Courses and workshops

Courses and workshops. During COVID-19, most were online and recorded. I indicate the language of the materials En = English, Pt = Português, Es = Español

GROW Data Carpentry at UC Merced

This was a 3-hour R module based on the R Ecology Lesson from The Carpentries, as a part of a 9-hr workshop at the Graduate Orientation Week (GROW) at UC Merced

Projetos de Análise de Dados usando R

The first edition of our grad course happened at the Escola Nacional de Botânica Tropical at the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden between July 15th and July 19th 2019

By Andrea Sánchez-Tapia, Sara R. Mortara, Diogo S.B. Rocha in jbrj course português

July 15, 2019