open science


An R Package for Managing Species Records from Biological Collections, led and maintained by Renato Lima

R Bootcamp at UC Merced

This was a 3-hour introduction to R inspired in the R Ecology Lesson from The Carpentries, and part of the UC Merced Library workshop series

Como começar a usar o R

Neste curso de 3 horas demos uma introdução a R, usando os dados sobre SARS-Cov-2 no estado do Amapá

Do script ao pacote de R

Neste meetup falei sobre alguns passos que foram precisos para transformar uma série de scripts em um pacote funcional de R

Projetos de Análise de Dados usando R

The second edition of this grad course happened in-person (!!) at the Escola Nacional de Botânica Tropical at the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden between Feb 10th and Feb 14th 2020

Observatório COVID-19 Br

I was part of the Observatório COVID-19 BR between May 2021 and July 2021. This is a scientific citizenship, volunteer-based group that aimed to bring awareness about the public health measures around COVID-19 in Brazil


A modular workflow for ecological niche modeling in R, led and maintained by me